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Topic: Yoga and Animal Ethics
Song: Lalasamayi Prarthana Song 1 from the Section 1 of Srila Narottama Dasa Thakura songbook Prarthana
VEDAVOX Podcast Episode
Deutsch (German) translation
Seminar "Art in Krishna Consciousness" at the 40th Maha Narasimha Chaturdasi Festival
Visit of the farm on Dolgo Brdo, Slovenia
Kirtan and Lecture at Sunday Feast.
Presentation of images from the book "Avatar Art".
The book is available at the following link:
Special Guest: HG Dhruva Prabhu
Topic: Deity Worship of Lord Nrsimhadeva
Song: Ucchvasa Kirtana Section 3: Lila Kirtana Song 2; from the Uccvasa section of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura’s songbook Kalyana Kalpataru