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A Guide for the Perplexed

What is on the altar of a Krishna temple? Ceremonial statues, or works of art? Graven images and idols, or worshipable deities?

Seeing the ultimate spiritual reality depends on the viewer: what you see is what you get, but it depends on who you are.

Krishna Kshetra Swami invites us in this book to enter into the greatest mystery of yoga and mediation – pure spiritual form appearing mercifully as physical matter – and with new eyes experience and transcendental vision.

The topic of Deity and Deity worship is nicely presented in the form of a dialogue between the author and young inquisitive persons Jake, Angela and Rabindra.

If one is new to this philosophy this is a nice book to find many answers that may linger in your mind and as devotees, we might often get these same kind of questions from new interested people. Here we have a nice guide how to approach them. Got inspired?……
